by Stellar Accounts | Australian Tax Office, Business Tips, UBER Drivers
Latest update from the ATO in relation to Rideshare. Assistant Commissioner Tom Wheeler said the ATO is still working to educate ride-sourcing drivers, but now focus is shifting to drivers who are ignoring their obligations. “We know that most drivers do the right...
by Stellar Accounts | UBER Drivers
Are you an UBER Driver? Let us help you with your Tax and GST obligations. Stellar Accounts have been helping UBER Drivers since Sept 2016 understand and meet their income tax and GST obligations. Important things to know about UBER: 1. You MUST have an ABN 2. You...
by Stellar Accounts | UBER Drivers
More than 50,000 Uber drivers in Australia will have to pay 10 per cent GST from the first dollar they earn after the ridesharing app lost a 18-month battle with the Australian Tax Office. In a decision handed down on Friday, the Federal Court rejected Uber’s...