Do you need to be registered for GST? Ask our CPA at Stellar Accounts.

25 August 2017 | Uncategorized

Do you understand when you need to register for GST?

It is mandatory to register for GST when your SALES hit $75k in a financial year – ie between 1 July and 30 June.

You can also voluntarily register for GST at any time.

You can not charge GST on your sales unless you are registered for GST.

If you are charging GST on your sales but don’t think you are registered for GST, you need to find this out.

If you are collecting GST on sales, you MUST lodge a Business Activity Statement (BAS) at least quarterly.

Ask our CPA at Stellar Accounts if assistance!

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Stellar Accounts – servicing Brisbane North individuals and small businesses with tax, accounting and bookkeeping assistance.