Pros and Cons of Setting Up A Trust

Pros and Cons of Setting Up A Trust

Looking for business structure advice, including the pros and cons of setting up a Trust? Stellar Accounts can help! This is just one article in a short series we’ve compiled comparing Sole Trader vs Company vs Trust to help you make a better informed decision....

Tax Tips for UBER Drivers

UBER TIPS FROM OUR TAX AGENT There are a range of tax deductions you can claim as an Uber driver. Here are just a few work-related expenses that become tax-deductible when you drive for Uber: Registration Insurance Repairs Tyres Car maintenance Car cleaning costs...

Stellar Accounts Chermside Tax Agent

Stellar Accounts – Chermside Tax Agent Have you received some great taxation advice from Stellar Accounts? Or some great small business advice?  Would you like to make sure other people also get the best accounting and taxation advice? We would love a review on...